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“The body remembers what the conscious mind tries to forget.”

Dr. Martha Manning


How do I know if I've been impacted by

“Trauma is not what happens to us, but what we hold inside in the absence of an empathetic witness” 
-Peter Levine

If you're a human, you've likely been impacted by trauma. AND welcome to the team.
We're the coolest team in the world.

We might have experienced something 'too much, too soon'; 'too little too long', or 'too much too fast'. Or it may be a combination of all of those things. (Welcome to the team. Truly. We're glad to have you.) We may just find that we don't feel safe walking around in the world, or that we haven't ever been able to find the "safety" people talk about. We may find ourselves chronically stressed out, and unable to feel as though we can change how our stress impacts us. We might experience anxiety, depression, paranoia, panic attacks, CPTSD, PTSD, problems with sleeping or eating, chronic pain, or even autoimmune conditions. The good news is we can gently, and lovingly support ourselves into greater regulation. We can find a home within ourselves by using our bodies as our guide to more ease and comfort in our lives.

Somatic Experiencing®helps us begin to access our body’s inherent and intuitive wisdom, in order to identify and access the thwarted energy of our own self-protective responses that may have been inhibited during a traumatic event. 

Somatic Experiencing®is based on the work of Dr. Peter Levine, who spent decades of his life dedicated to the research and study of trauma healing, later developing Somatic Experiencing® as a way to restore balance to the nervous system after stressful or traumatic experiences. We focus on learning tools for regulation while learning the language of our bodies, and then find ways to process and complete defensive responses, leaving us with more ease, and a richer, more vibrant life.

Somatic Experiencing® is a body-based, intuitive and naturalistic approach to healing trauma.

Through a gentle and collaborative process, we will begin to learn the language of your body and nervous system. We begin to understand our reasons for holding our survival patterns, and then we learn how to gently shift these patterns into supportive and expansive ways of being. We learn how to go with the flow and allow for fluidity and change. We learn how to exist in a way that feels more embodied – and more human.

Rachel is also incredibly passionate about helping folks heal from the impacts of developmental trauma and CPTSD. She has completed several additional trainings with Dr. Aline LaPierre, Dr. Kathy Kain and Dr. Steve Terrell: NeuroAffective Touch, Touch Skills for Trauma Therapists and Somatic Resilience and Regulation, specifically focused on supporting regulation of the physiology of our nervous system. She has also taken master classes with various faculty including Dr. Peter Levine. 

These focus on healing our earliest  developmental traumas, even those for which we have no explicit memories. SE touch sessions often explore supporting the physiology of the body. Rachel often utilizes touch as a way to support capacity building with the physiology of our nervous systems. Rachel is also currently a coordinator and assistant for Somatic Experiencing® trainings throughout the country as a part of it’s post-advanced program. She is able to provide personal sessions and consultations for credit to students enrolled in the Somatic Experiencing training at all levels. She loves being able to deepen her own awareness of her nervous system and history,  while also supporting other professionals to embody and integrate the SE material in a more personal way.

What can we explore together?

Finding the path to healing can feel confusing and overwhelming and it doesn't need to be.
You don't have to heal alone. We can find a way together. I'll walk every step of the way with you, until you no longer need me. 

Connect with Rachel

Please allow up to 3 business days for a response. 

Thank you for reaching out!

I will be contacting you within 24-48 hours! If, for some reason, you don't see a reply by then, please try emailing me at!